Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Our Adventures Continue

We have not had a nice weekend yet that allowed us to climb outside. It has been a bit of a bummer, but I'm sure things will change soon. Sara will be making some changes too. It is a bit scary but I'm certain we'll survive.

Hana recently hurt her back. She jumped off the couch to go play ball, and something happened that made her very sore. We've been keeping her calm (as far as Labrador's are calm) for the last two weeks, and now it is all about working up to her full play potential. She thinks it is time right now.

I keep meaning to setup a big party but that just hasn't happened. Life keeps getting in the way. I think I may just start inviting people to meet us at a park and we can do a potluck and bbq...hmmm, I'll look into that.

Friday, April 07, 2006

What is you soul worth?

I heard a report about how in the U.S. workers are actually putting in more time at work and producing less results. It got me thinking -- how much money would I give up to be able to play more than I work? I mean, I'm fairly productive until I get so tired that I am pretty much useless. I end up looking at the screen and struggling to do the work in my schedule. Yet, if I only work a 6 hour day, I often get more done.

It interests me that companies in this country which are all about the bottom line, are not interested in an increase in productivity. I wonder how much companies lose because of a lack of productive work?

I wonder how much people lose because they waste their lives being unproductive at work?

I really need a weekend without rain so I can get out to the crag with my lovely Sara.