Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stupid is as stupid does.

So this young woman, Tiffany Cooper, asks the President this question:

"Recently 12.7 billion dollars was cut from education. I was just wondering how is that supposed to help our futures?"

The President, clearly confused (go watch the video clip), stumbles and responds "At the federal level?" And then proceeds to simply lie about the cuts. Now, the lie -- "Actually, I think what we did was reform the student loan program. We are not cutting money out of it. " -- is bad, but the question I have is this -- Does any state have a 12.7 billion dollar budget for education? Seriously, what state has that kind of money to cut from their education program? Most School programs are so strapped that 1.27 million would be a huge cut.

Forest Gump got it right.

Monday, January 23, 2006


It is the flu season. Last Wednesday I was at work and the day wasn't starting well. Fortunately it was one of those days we had a guest in the office. Basically, the day was going nowhere. I especially wasn't going anywhere. I apprently looked like I needed a nap. I left the office early and got home just fine. Ran the girls, and then lay myself out on the couch and took a nap.

Things seemed pretty good, until I had to drive to get Sara. I left the house and about half way there, my arms, chest, and face had gone numb. I should have stopped and called a friend of mine to go pick up Sara and drop her off at where I was parked on the side of the road. Instead, in my less than full capacity state, I drove on to meet Sara at the park and ride. I got there, and stumbled out of the car making my way over to the passanger seat. Sara was ready to take me to the ER. Yikes that was dumb. Turns out by the time we got home, I had a 100.5 degree tempurature.

I promptly crawled into bed, and slept for 14 hours. I spent the next two days laying around the house, and reading comic books. The sucky part of the flu is that you really have no energy even after you start feeling better. By Saturday all I wanted to do was sit and read comics or watch the boobtube.

Get your flu shots...

Monday, January 16, 2006

Say "no" to bad Judges...

Justice Alito ruled:

  • "saw no problem with a police officer shooting and killing an unarmed 15-year-old who was fleeing from a $10 burglary" (The Supreme Court disagreed 6-3.)

  • "sided with a hotel owner seeking dismissal without trial of a housekeeper's claims of illegal demotion and sexual discrimination." (He was out-voted 12-1.)

  • "rejected a 17-year-old's claims that his public defenders [in a capital punishment case] had failed to use mitigating evidence of mental retardation and traumatic upbringing" (The Supreme Court reversed him.)

  • "saw nothing wrong with a police strip search of a woman and her 10-year-old daughter thought there was no warrant naming them as targets of an investigation." (He was out-voted again.)

[From USA TODAY editorial, "If you cherish your rights, this nominee bears questioning," 12/26/2005]

Is this really the kind of individual you want making the rulings on the highest court?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Happy New Year!

Okay, so it has taken a few weeks to recover from the holidays. We've been running around crazy trying to remember if we actually slept the night before or not. I keep saying (mostly to myself) that I will get a location and have a big gathering. Of course I've been very slow in organizing that operation. And Sara and I both competed in our first bouldering competition. It was pretty fun.

Lot going on -- hiking, climbing, working, cleaning. Sara is getting used to her hourly requirements, which makes for a long week. She has X number of billable hours required, and then on top of that she has meetings, training, etc that she has to work in during the week. That kind of stinks. At the same time she is a super star. As though you had any doubt.

Work? I guess it is going well for us both, although as with any job there is always adjustments that are required. Actually, now we have our goddog for a lengthy stay. Yes, we have a goddog. She's a cute golden labrador mix. She's settling in fine even though her parents are moving to the eastcoast. During that transition Winnie will be Hana's playmate. Fun, fun. I like having two dogs though. Hana seems much happier too.