Friday, September 30, 2005

I, Blog

So many things going on. I found a bump on my personals. Turns out a bug crawled up my shorts and bit me on the hohos. Freaked me out at first, but fortunately nothing bad.

Sara is having her last weekend of vacation. Monday is the big day. It's sorta funny watching her fret about what to wear. I'm excited for her, but she seems more nervous about the cliks and other social pressures of working in a big swanky law firm.

I'm trying to figure out how to get a party organized so we have an excuse to visit our friends. Unfortunately, it may be too late in the season. I'll still try to find someplace indoors though.

I'm enjoying the climbing -- still. Though I hurt my wrist the last time I was out climbing. I heard something pop, and the wrist is a bit bruised. I guess I'm a bit of a mess too.

Besides the hurt wrist, I've had an eye stye that returned and is now gone. And now I'm having some sort of stomach flu type problems. Lots of gas. Sara doesn't believe it was the dog anymore.

I better take another tums.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

A bump in the road.

I need to get some sleep.

This week has been a very long. I'm suffering from active brain overload. If it were focused and clear I might be okay but I just have this buzz that runs constantly.

It will be interesting if I sleep tonight. Sara moved our bed into the guest room, since we are expecting a new bed -- super sized -- on Saturday. Bed shopping sucks, but Sara did all the work. All I had to do was lay on the beds and try them out for a bit.

Of course, I'm not going to be here on Saturday when the bed comes. I'll be out car camping and bouldering with some friends. Its exciting to go climbing with the boys. I have to say it will be interesting. Sara has been hanging out with the girls alot lately and while she is excelling in her climbs, I'm looking pretty lame up on the wall. So some guy time and testosterone will be good for me. Hopefully I'll have some good moments I can share with Sara.

Sara, even though she initially encouraged me to go climbing, now is trying to get me to back out. I would back out but sometimes you just need some playground time, and I don't know when the next time I'll get an opportunity where I can take a weekend and play.

Hopefully some outdoor time will help clear my head.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

You should call your mother.

I called my mom for the first time since she moved to Denver. Actually, she called first, but I had been saying to Sara for several days that I needed to call. It always seems that I would remember when it was late and so would say to myself that I'd call "tomorrow."

It is weird to call my mom now. I have always had my mom close so our phone calls were usually short, knowing that we'd be doing dinner or lunch. Now, I guess, it will be chit-chat and smalltalk. Its not like much has changed for Sara and I. We mostly go through our daily rig-a-ma-roll -- let hana outside, feed her, start my shower, give hana a full body pat, send her back to bed with Sara, shower, dress, shave, brush teeth, put dishes away, turn on news, eat a bite, wake sara, goto work, come home from work...

It was nice having my mom close. At least when I missed her I could just stop by, or call and set up a night for dinner.

Today we took a friend to the gym with us, and we had a nice visit. I was pretty tired from the day before (Sara and I did a hard work out and my legs are sore from it.) Sara has joined a ladies climbing class on Sunday evenings and she teaches me from those experiences. Some of it seems really simple but when you do it for several hours on end it is real hard and takes lots of concentration.

Yeah, to me that is just what we've been doing. Seem pretty uninteresting to share with others. Oh well.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Trust the "process"

Clueless. You have got to be stupid, or of such diminished mental capacity to be supporting Bush. The man should be impeached. He's lied about the reason for invading Iraq, he's supported people in his cabinet who have commited treason, he has given the rich tax cuts, he cut spending for homeland security, and now left people to die of exposure after this hurricane and flooding. And he says to trust the process, like he says whenever the truth proves he lied.

Bush is a disgrace. He shames every person in this country. Has he ever told the truth?

And don't get me going on Hannity. Every time I listen to him he is either saying something stupid, or supporting the opinion of someone stupid. The latest is that the federal government should not provide "one dime" of assistance to the hurricane/flood victims in the south. I guess I'll take being a radical left-wing liberal who thinks that we should be helping, instead of a "compasionate" conservative who thinks its okay for people to die in the streets because they are poor and black. Such hate. It amazes me that he is a voice for anyone in this country.

I wish people would impeach, boycott, whatever it takes to remove these hateful, shameful voices. They -- the Pat Robertsons, Sean Hannitys, and George W. Bushs -- all disgrace this country.