Monday, August 28, 2006

She stole my story.

We spent the weekend at Squamish again. We were suppose to take a class in Leavenworth but that was canceled and so we found some friends to meet up with. Our friends were on a different schedule than Sara and me. Saturday we ran into them in the afternoon. They had just arrived and we were finishing our day. We only had a short day with them, but we hung on their ropes and got our butts kicked. On Sunday we spent the morning bouldering, and oh my heck that was a whoopin. I finally got a couple a problems finished, but there where several that once on the holds I couldn't make the next move. I would have liked to stay longer. Especially because this next month I'm doing so much that I don't have much free time. I'm being shipped off to Georgia in a couple of weeks on business, and then there is the whole anniversary and birthday stuff that goes on at the end of September. And then, October hits and there are only a couple weekends get Sara up more than one pitch.

If you want to read more on our latest Squamish trip you can read it over at Sara's Squamish Redux.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

No Intelligence Here.

In the Washington Post, Dafna Linzer writes, "...a Republican staff member on the House intelligence committee who holds a hard-line view on Iran, fully backs the White House position that the Islamic republic is moving forward with a nuclear weapons program and that it poses a significant danger to the United States. But it chides the intelligence community for not providing enough direct evidence to support that assertion."

He continues writing, "Its authors did not interview intelligence officials." "It" being a 29-paged report from a House intelligence committee.

Clearly, the White House has no intelligence, and it neither cares nor wants to be intelligent. If you would like to read the entire article you can find it here. These people are so completely psychopathic.

In the meantime, Sara and I are off to do some climbing. I think we are going to camp out and climb some boulders in Squamish. We originally were planning on taking a Self-Rescue class in Leavenworth but that fell through and the class was canceled. Fortunately, we have options.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Growing Up.

You know I find it absolutely hilarious. I never wanted to grow up. Now I have responsibility. It seems to find us when we don't want it, and then you never seem to shake it off.

So what can you do? I know this couple who every five years re-evaluates their lives. If all is not well...well I don't know what happens. But if it were me I would never have the courage to do anything too dramatic. I'd wish I could just quit, I'd wish I could just pack up my wife, my dog, my cats and just ... I don't know.

Most likely, I'd just keep paying the bills, buying too much crap, and supporting a system that I don't believe in.

Yep, it is hilarious. Fricken hilarious.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Are you a fool?

How can you identify a fool?

The definition of fool is "one destitute of reason", "A person deficient in intellect", "one without judgment".

I think it is fairly easy to identify a fool. First you look at the mistakes of the fool, then you look at how often the fool repeats those mistakes.

Once again this administration is falling back to old behaviors. We are all the sudden painfully aware that we can never be 100% safe. And this administration has done nothing but play on those fears.