Monday, May 12, 2008

Seoul long

Well, it has been a couple of days since I returned from Seoul, Korea.  It was an amazing adventure, that I am very thankful and glad to have been there to visit.  I decided it was okay to take some pictures.

I actually ended my day with a picture of the Archway of Itaewon.  It is much prettier in the night all lit up.  You have to be careful taking pictures at night in Itaewon.  If you get a picture of a prostitute they will start to yell at you and be very vicious.  

I took several pictures down the streets, and they aren't much to look at but you can see that the place is kind of similar to any city town in the U.S.A.

The Friday nightlife was much more packed with people.  The streets had lots of activity and the bars were worth every moment.  I don't smoke, and I usually don't like bars because of the smoke.  In Korea, you can still smoke in the bars, and it is disgusting, but the activities really are entertainment.

Laura again joined us at the Seoul Pub, and we had fun watching the young guys picking up on the girls in the bar.  Strategizing about their pickup lines and how they were getting all cozy with the babes.

We also stopped at the Hard Rock and saw these amazing girls rocking out with their electric trio of violin, chelo, and viola.  It was loud, and so it made it difficult to have a conversation, but it was fun all the same.  I find it difficult to focus on a conversation, so as 11:30 rolled around, I got myself out of there, and took a few more pictures of the walk home.  It was a nice walk, and not long at all.  Most people grab a cab, but I found that the streets were safe.  I had to dodge a few cars, but that isn't any different than during the day time.

I look forward to my next trip to Seoul, but I think it will be great to visit other area's of the world too.  I mean, I have yet to even be to the east-coast.  I have lots more adventure in me.

Seoul Long!

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