Saturday, September 10, 2005

You should call your mother.

I called my mom for the first time since she moved to Denver. Actually, she called first, but I had been saying to Sara for several days that I needed to call. It always seems that I would remember when it was late and so would say to myself that I'd call "tomorrow."

It is weird to call my mom now. I have always had my mom close so our phone calls were usually short, knowing that we'd be doing dinner or lunch. Now, I guess, it will be chit-chat and smalltalk. Its not like much has changed for Sara and I. We mostly go through our daily rig-a-ma-roll -- let hana outside, feed her, start my shower, give hana a full body pat, send her back to bed with Sara, shower, dress, shave, brush teeth, put dishes away, turn on news, eat a bite, wake sara, goto work, come home from work...

It was nice having my mom close. At least when I missed her I could just stop by, or call and set up a night for dinner.

Today we took a friend to the gym with us, and we had a nice visit. I was pretty tired from the day before (Sara and I did a hard work out and my legs are sore from it.) Sara has joined a ladies climbing class on Sunday evenings and she teaches me from those experiences. Some of it seems really simple but when you do it for several hours on end it is real hard and takes lots of concentration.

Yeah, to me that is just what we've been doing. Seem pretty uninteresting to share with others. Oh well.

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