Monday, September 03, 2007

I'm getting Fat

I am usually busy with climbing. It is the primary activity that I use to stay in shape, but lately I've had more going on than usual.

Back in April my Dad had an incident where he collapsed at a gas station. He ended up driving himself to the ER. As they ER was about to discharge him, he collapsed again. They did a cat-scan and it turned out that he had a dark spot on his brain.

In mid-July he started to seizure and since his cancer has taken its toll on him. He's now in hospice care at his brothers home and has lots of visitors.

In the meantime, Sara has decided to go out on her own, and I have started a side business doing tech support for the small businesses in Kitsap. My sister is staying with my dad, and been doing most of the care. And we have her two year old golden retriever, which is so mellow everyone thinks he's wonderful...yet he keeps getting into trouble with us.

So as you might have guessed, I am not getting much exercise. The last time I was out climbing, was mid-July and I've gained 10 pounds. It is very sad. I'm starting to look like a dumpling. Sara and I have plans to get back into the climbing gym, and to start walking the dogs but even that is difficult as the weeks have been so busy.

Oh well. I'm sure I can work off the 10 pounds eventually.

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