Monday, February 04, 2008

Yes, We Can.

A number of people have asked me who I support and why.

Now that the candidates have been narrowed down, I support Barak Obama. I believe, despite some policies I disagree with, he inspires something more of America, of U.S. Citizens, that the other candidates (right or left) have not and cannot inspire in the people of this Nation.

McCain is a disappointment. Eight years ago I thought he was someone different, but after watching his actions, his votes along partly lines despite policies he openly disagreed with, his idle response to illegal signing statements, his weak response to veto's that he knows are wrong, I simply cannot support him.

Hillary simply does too much double speak for my taste. I think she is more than capable, and would actually do a lot to repair the foreign policies that have been so diminished, as well as bring the return of checks and balances to our political system. However, she simply does not make me believe that a change to our lobby and PAC system can be repaired to do what is right for the people of the country (I simply do not believe that corporations are people.)

But Barak -- He inspires. He brings people both young and old, male and female together. I believe with Barak we can do great things. I believe with Barak we can see a return to a strong stable economy. I believe that Barak will return to caring for our neighbors all around the world. I believe Barak will bring a return to wanting to achieve great things.

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