Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dino Rossi is an Idiot

In my last post I mentioned that I think the GOP is more about "me" instead of "we" and/or "us." In today's Seattle Times, an interview with Dino Rossi has demonstrated the usual lack of fore thought we expect from the Repugnant Party. The article quotes Rossi as saying, "Our state is experiencing a transportation crisis that is impacting our quality of life and hindering economic growth... My vision for transportation is rooted in freedom and the ability of people to make good choices for themselves."

Now, I agree, I want freedom and the ability to make good choices for myself, but building a new Viaduct tunnel, widening I-405, and replacing the 520 is not a good choice for myself, nor does it give me the ability to make good choices. In fact, it isn't a good choice for any person in any county, including King, in Washington. With the money that they want to spend to do all those projects, they could put in a light rail system that runs the length of each of these highway systems and reduce the number of cars so new wider roads are not required. Not to mention that gas costs four dollars per gallon, or maybe you didn't notice. It costs me eight dollars each day to drive to and from work. Now I have no problem with gas costing so much money, but then we have the GOP who want to continue subsidies to the oil industry, with CEO's getting 40 million in bonuses.

We could, oh, I don't know, tax the windfall of these corporations and say, build a light rail system that connects up with Portland, and Vancouver B.C. It could probably even run from Seattle to Spokane. I am seriously disappointed that people are upset about $4 gas and they would even pause to consider voting Republican. I mean at $4 for gas, can you afford to drive on the new roads Rossi wants you to have so you can make choices freely?

We all know that when we are free to make choices for ourselves, we make the most selfish choice. That is why we have government "for the people and by the people," so we ensure that some choices are for the benefit of our community and our society.

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