So, reflections on Utah. This place is really... um... different. The land is spectacular. Even when we're on the beaten path, in the middle of a city, the views are lovely. Beyond lovely. But oh my gosh. The billboards are whacked. Creepy whacked. I love Mormons. I have a surprising number of Mormons in my life. But these people have some really nutty billboards. The highlights were the advertisements for "missionary kits" featuring smiling blonde people in the telltale suits.
I think Chris mentioned we bouldered today -- but I want to show you just how studly he is, hence the picture above. He sent this "V0" that I couldn't, and made it look easy. Unfortunately I had to spot for him, so I couldn't get pics while climbing, you have to settle for the "after." If you can see, he has a grin from ear to ear on.
Otherwise, we're here tonight and tomorrow climbing at Ogden and Little Cottonwood, we hope, weather permitting. They're calling for (surprise surprise!) thunder and lightning and rain for the next couple of days, so we're crossing our fingers for at least a few good hours in the morning then wacky billboard spotting the rest of the day and then nice, soft, warm bedtimes at our new favorite home... whichever La Quinta is closest to the crag.
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