We got ourselves a campsite in the Grand Canyon park for two nights. Such lovely nights they were. Our neighbors cat, yes cat, ran off. Big surprise huh? It was to them. Apparently, this cat has gone sailing off the western coast from Alaska to Mexico, and has been camping with them for years. The cats name was Muffy (actually -- I think it was "Lucky," which is even more ironic. -Sara). I use it in the past tense because during the two days we were there we had huge thunderstorms. The first night was a breeze relatively. The second we spent hiking around until about 2pm. Then a storm came through. I have this great picture of Sara and Hana in the trunk of the wagon (oh my lord, I can't believe he posted that. My ass is the size of Texas. -Sara), while I stood in the rain to take the picture :) The funny thing was that you can see the tent. It was a much more comfortable and dry place. Some how though, the metal poles and lightening just don't mix.
That night was fun too. The last comment from Sara I remember was "My God! Your asleep?" around about 2:30am. Sara has some difficulty sleeping through a thunder/lightening storm. Hana and I had no problem at all. Sara was a bit tired in the morning. She said we should have gone back to the our RV. I knew we'd both be tired for our drive the next morning if we'd done that. (Actually, the couple who lost their cat had a van... the wife was in the van, the stubborn husband in the tent. Had I known, I would have snuggled into their van with the wife. -Sara).
We left the campground at the Grand Canyon and headed to the east exit, the cat had not returned by the time we headed out. And then north to Moab, Utah. You know how Utah is associated with Mormons, and all that? Well, let me tell you about driving through south eastern Utah on a Sunday Morning. Everything, and I mean nearly everything, was closed. Even the visting center was closed. You could use the public bathrooms but that was about it. Some of the gas stations were open. But most of the quickstop stores at gas stations...were closed.
Fortunately, the car was not in need of fuel. The drive from Arizona to Utah was amazing though. We went through Monument Valley, and the views were amazing. The drive to Moab was only about 5.5 hours, so even with all the stops and pictures we had plenty of time to visit the Arches National Monument. We have tons of pictures, and Sara even showed me how to take a panarama picture. Our camera is so cool.
Now it is Monday morning and we are leaving Moab already. We have decided Moab is an oasis in Utah. It doesn't have as much of the "religious" feel that we experienced on the way in. Yet, we are off to Salt Lake City. We did some fun bouldering at the Big Bend, and now are planning a couple days of climbing and bouldering near the SLC area. (Chris is being modest. He sent two challenging V0s that I couldn't top, and made them look easy. He did super. -Sara)
Okay, gotta jet. Check out is at noon, and it is 11:29AM.
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