Monday, January 16, 2006

Say "no" to bad Judges...

Justice Alito ruled:

  • "saw no problem with a police officer shooting and killing an unarmed 15-year-old who was fleeing from a $10 burglary" (The Supreme Court disagreed 6-3.)

  • "sided with a hotel owner seeking dismissal without trial of a housekeeper's claims of illegal demotion and sexual discrimination." (He was out-voted 12-1.)

  • "rejected a 17-year-old's claims that his public defenders [in a capital punishment case] had failed to use mitigating evidence of mental retardation and traumatic upbringing" (The Supreme Court reversed him.)

  • "saw nothing wrong with a police strip search of a woman and her 10-year-old daughter thought there was no warrant naming them as targets of an investigation." (He was out-voted again.)

[From USA TODAY editorial, "If you cherish your rights, this nominee bears questioning," 12/26/2005]

Is this really the kind of individual you want making the rulings on the highest court?

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