Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stupid is as stupid does.

So this young woman, Tiffany Cooper, asks the President this question:

"Recently 12.7 billion dollars was cut from education. I was just wondering how is that supposed to help our futures?"

The President, clearly confused (go watch the video clip), stumbles and responds "At the federal level?" And then proceeds to simply lie about the cuts. Now, the lie -- "Actually, I think what we did was reform the student loan program. We are not cutting money out of it. " -- is bad, but the question I have is this -- Does any state have a 12.7 billion dollar budget for education? Seriously, what state has that kind of money to cut from their education program? Most School programs are so strapped that 1.27 million would be a huge cut.

Forest Gump got it right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I *love* it! I saw this video clip and I especially like how Bushy pretended to not hear the question despite the fact that he said "school cuts" or something making it clear that he definatly did hear the question.
Chirs, Sara, Hana, I miss you guys!